How this tool works
Simply select the units you want to convert, enter the values you want to convert, and click the Convert button.
How these units are converted to each other
Grams (g), kilograms (kg), tons (t), pounds (lb), and ounces (oz) are common units of mass, and they are converted to each other as follows:
Conversion relationship between grams (g) and kilograms (kg):
- 1 kilogram (kg) is equal to 1000 grams (g).
- 1 gram (g) is equal to 0.001 kilogram (kg).
Conversion of kilograms (kg) to tons (t):
- 1 ton (t) equals 1000 kilograms (kg).
- 1 kilogram (kg) equals 0.001 tons (t).
Conversion of pounds (lb) to ounces (oz):
- 1 pound (lb) equals 16 ounces (oz).
- 1 ounce (oz) equals 0.0625 pounds (lb).
Conversion of grams (g) to pounds (lb):
- 1 pound (lb) is approximately equal to 453.59237 grams (g).
- 1 gram (g) is approximately equal to 0.00220462 pounds (lb).
Conversion of grams (g) to ounces (oz):
- 1 ounce (oz) is approximately equal to 28.34952 grams (g).
- 1 gram (g) is approximately equal to 0.03527396 ounces (oz).
Conversion of kilograms (kg) to pounds (lb):
- 1 pound (lb) is approximately equal to 0.45359237 kilograms (kg).
- 1 kilogram (kg) is approximately equal to 2.20462 pounds (lb).
Conversion of tons (t) to pounds (lb):
- 1 pound (lb) is approximately equal to 0.000446428 tons (t).
- 1 ton (t) equals 2204.6226 pounds (lb).
Ton (t) to ounce (oz) conversion:
- 1 ounce (oz) equals approximately 0.00003107986 tons (t).
- 1 ton (t) equals 35,274.03968 ounces (oz).
To make it easier to remember and use, you can make a conversion table of the above conversion relationships for quick reference when needed. Alternatively, you can use the unit conversion tool we have created to convert between these units. This tool is usually very intuitive and easy to use, just enter a value, select the target unit and you will get the conversion result.
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